By Shadrack Mbaka
Am not surprised when Opinion polls continue to show that many Kenyans are unhappy with their MPs and would take the slightest opportunity they get to make their feelings known to their leaders.
The current crops of politicians are showing poor performance in the respective constituencies in Kenya, but definitely this does not apply to all MPs, this is because there are MPs who have upheld the “covenant” between him or herself and the people.
It’s however obvious to acknowledge the fact that it’s not enough to replace the incumbent with a newcomer in the political arena. If circumstances call for a replacement, it must be understood that he must be an upper cut that the incumbent.
Kenya has reached a point where we need better and qualified leaders who have the ability and technical knowhow of transforming this nation. As the elections draw near, many will come claiming to be the peoples ‘key”.
The days of electing MPs because of their financial muscles are long gone and it is therefore important for Kenyans to force their elected leaders to set their bench marks or face the judges who are the people.
The former generations of MPs were pros in dishing out cash and putting up ghost projects while doing their campaigns and no sooner than they are elected, the projects come on a sudden halt. Definitely this is the time that the voter is forgotten. If we are going to make a difference in the near future we must treat anyone offering materialistic goodies with suspicion and wisdom.
Another way that some of our politicians would go for ,so as to seek re-election is to grasp mileage from presidential candidates. Interested parties to the presidential succession should also know that imposing a candidate on the people went along side the old constitution. He may choose the kind of politicians he or she would like to work with, but the most important political decisions will be made by the voter.
And anyone touting age as their qualification may have nothing else to show for it. Those who punctuate every word with tribe are only trying to use you for personal gain.
Most examination bodies have a marking scheme for the exams they offer and according to me electing your MP is no different. Choose your leader on the basis of ; selflessness, hardworking, good management ability, brilliant , consistent and focused. This way we will be contributing to building a better Kenya.
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